Tuesday, April 9, 2013

On The Move!

Well I guess you can tell that I have not updated the blog in a long long time! 1 reason is that we had really really slow Internet! And the other reason is we bought a ZOO, well not really a zoo, but a house! A house that has not been lived in, in about a year, and that has not been updated since 1991(the year it was built).  But they did put in a pool!(what a heartache). It is about 2400 sq ft 4 bedrooms 2 1/2 baths and a full basement! We sit on an about 1 acre surrounded by huge trees! 
The first thing I did was fix the kitchen cabinet's and started painting, the WHOLE HOUSE!  We had to replace part of the dinning room floor and wall.  We replaced all 3 toilets, the basement door, the front door and added chair rail and extended the closet in Megan's room.  And brass, the whole house is BRASS!!

Next for the kitchen is the counter tops, backsplash and flooring, but we have to wait for the the money tree in the back yard to grow back.

My new table went from this to that!!


The Georgia Caspermeyer's said...

Looks awesome!

Louise Gaskins said...

Wow, What great work you have
done. Remember the days when I
had all that energy.
Home sounds fantastic.


Hi, I'm Missy! said...

It looks so good!! Cannot wait to see the rest!! Let me know if that money tree makes any extra cash you can send my way!