Thursday, August 12, 2010


While we were in NY Josh and Megan got to meet a lot of new people, including alot of new Cousins!
We went a few times to my very Best Friends/Cousins house, who's name is believe it or not Jennifer. Just a few facts for you, we had like 16 people in our graduating class (I think, I really can't remember) We had 3 Jennifer's in the class!! Jennifer has 3 boys Stephen 7 or 8 (I think), Ethan 6 and Carson 3(I think). The boys had so much fun! It seems all boys at this age like to play with guns!! We went swimming and just had lots of fun. It was great to catch up with Jen also.

Megan was not forgotten when it came to Cousins and playing with them. My sister Daphne has a little girl who is only about one month older then Megan and her name is Rhyleigh. Rhyleigh has a little brother Parker, but he did not want his photo taken! Tammy, sorry about the mess they made! Megan asked me the other day if Rhyleigh could come to her birthday party!! They both have alot incommon including wild hair!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jennifer don't worry about the messy bedrooms..all taken care of! They all had fun and thats all that matters!! Rhyleigh asks me everytime they come over if I can call Megan and Josh to come over and play! She reallyn misses them!