Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Alright so Megan went Tuesday to meet her 2 new teacher, and before we even made it in the door she had a melt down! She was in a ball in the corner just crying! Don said she was "Over come with emotions!" Later at bedtime she told me that she was upset about her classroom and her teachers. She woke up and told me she was ready to go to school! She picked out her own clothing and made her lunch! And yes her "bff/bestie" Kenndey is her class. She has a small class this year 6 girls and 6 boys!

Megan, Kenndey, and Kaylee

Last years photo!

Megan's teachers told me she had a great day at school! And after school we had our 2nd speech therapy class with Miss Carrie. Carrie told us that Megan leaves off the final cluster of words, example if you show her a pix of a beach and a bee, she will say bee for them both, she is leaving off the "ch" sound, and if there is a 2 consonant word, like spoon, Megan leaves of the "s" and says poon. So Carrie said that all of Megan's sounds are there, we just have to reorganize it! Sound easy enough, but how do you reorganize a 4 year old??? We will have to see!!

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